Blogging, Writer's Life

2020 Wrapup

Hello! Just breaking my hiatus to wrap up for the year and discuss my plans for next year. Then I will be probably disappearing again until I feel better rested.




I met my Goodreads goal! I thought I wasn’t going to make it, but I eventually pushed through and checked off the goal of reading 150 books. So that was nice.

Next year, I think I’ll lower that goal (maybe to 100 or 120). Reading is honestly more fun when there isn’t a ticking clock at the back of my mind, and I’d much rather enjoy good books without having to worry about meeting a quota.

Some of my five-star reads from this year:



Posts based on some of these books:

Scott Lynch’s “The Lies of Locke Lamora” is a Masterpiece


How Jason Reynolds’ “Long Way Down” Ties Symbolism to its Themes

Lessons in Character Voice from Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff’s “Aurora Rising”



Goals I Accomplished

  1. Read 150 books (+ mini reviews on Goodreads)
  2. Read more books by POC authors, indie authors, and classics
  3. Read books in French
  4. Write another book




I keep my writing pretty hush-hush, so nothing much to say here apart from the fact that I have decided on a writing project for 2021 and that it’s currently under the planning and development stage.



Plans for next year?

I’m slowly working on introducing my writing projects to you, so around mid-to-late 2021 there might be something special coming up. This does, however, depend on other circumstances, ideas, etc. coming together, so no promises just yet.

Additionally, I am reflecting on this blog and what I plan to do with it next year. Sometimes, the issues that come with blogging can feel like more trouble than it’s worth, but don’t worry, I’m not leaving yet. I’m simply resolving to finding a niche that makes me happy to write in (for sustainability purposes as well). And perhaps that will take some exploration and you’ll get a mishmash of posts I’m trying out, but hey, journey before destination?

All that to say, thank you so much for joining me this year. It is much appreciated and I enjoy talking with you in the comments.

I look forward to seeing you again next year!



Make your mark,


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