How’s it going, my friend? Today I’m back with a tag (I know it’s filler, but I’m tired this week) that some of you may have already seen around the blogosphere.
Allow me to present to you: the Project Inspire Tag.
The Rules
1: Thank and link back to whose blog you first saw the tag on; link back to the creator of the tag. I hear the creator of the Project Inspire tag is Jenna, but I saw it first on Ash’s blog. << Do me a favor and check out their sites, they’re both lovely people.
2: Answer the questions given (when you mention a person in your answers, link to their blog/website if they have one)
3: Include 5 of the biggest things you’ve learned about writing, and how they’ve changed you.
1: Who’s someone who’s inspired and motivated you to pursue writing?
Books are probably what sparked my love of writing. Great storytelling and characters inspire me to create, so that’s probably why I gathered a lot of plot bunnies growing up. After getting to know more and more people in the writing community, I’ve found that there are many people who know heaps more than me and are willing to help a fellow writer on their journey. People who have especially inspired me include Kiki and Abbie, but my parents stand in that hall of fame, too, for encouraging me to follow my dreams. (agh that sounds so corny but I’m corny, so whatever I guess)
2: Who encouraged you when you felt like giving up?
This has got to be everyone who supports my writing, but especially my IRL writing friends. I love them very much and we all fangirl over each other’s books.
3: Was there a person (or even a blog post) that came at just the right time to give you the boost or motivation when you needed it?
Hmm, tough question. I think Cait has posted things before that I have gotten very excited about, and Emily has wonderful content on her site. Also, Ash and Abbie brighten my day every time they upload.
4. Who’s always been there for you, through thick and thin with your writing?
My family and closest friends. If they had websites I would shout their URLs from the rooftop of my website, but unfortunately they don’t have online presences. Yet 😉
5. Who’s helped you make your writing better, wasn’t afraid to give honest feedback, and helped improve your craft?
Okay, okay. If you do not know the spectacular Charis, you are missing out on her supreme editing skills. Like, seriously — Charis is a total boss and you will benefit largely from her editing service. She’s such a sweet and genuine friend and I 10/10 recommend her.
6. Who’s given you doses of healthy laughter that brightens your day and brings a smile to your face?
What can I say? My family and IRL squad are the best people I could ever have in my life. But online, Anika, Bethany, and Madison bring such joy to me and I wish I could travel to each of their homes personally so we can go out for drinks and book shopping.
7. What’s your favorite inspirational quote?
Uhm. Hmm. See, a lot of the inspirational quotes I have are kinda sorta aggressive. I have some from Abbie, like stay invincible or the paraphrased when life knocks you down, GET BACK UP.
I also fantasize frequently about punching my problems in the face, like anxiety, my insecurities, and school 😊😊
8. Is there someone you just want to take a moment to thank, for anything?
Thank you to my parents for supporting me. Thank you to a couple of specific friends who pushed me to keep going when I least expected it. Thank you to all of you who asked about my writing, my mental health, anything like that. Love you all <3
9. What author and/or book inspired you to write better stories and motivated you to strive to give your message to the world?
Kiki and Abbie (again, oops). While Kiki doesn’t have anything out in the world yet, I’ve alpha and beta read for many of her projects and she continues to astound me every time. And as for Abbie, after reading her debut novel, 100 Days of Sunlight, I’m utterly convinced that she is one of the best writers that I know and I will be keeping tabs on all her future works.
10: What piece of advice do you want to give to other young writers?
*stares at laptop screen*
I guess… I guess something that is very important is to not give up. A lot of writers start projects but never finish them, and this arguably leads to us being able to write good beginnings, but never great endings. I want to encourage you not to give up when you’re down on inspiration and when you’re not exactly on good terms with your WIP.
Because honestly? Starting a book is great and all, but finishing one really takes the cake. It’s such a satisfying feeling and it really shows you how much time, effort, and love you dedicated to a specific project.
Never stop writing. Face rejection with tears first, but then a smile.
Keep dreaming, and make your mark.
Five of the biggest things I’ve learned about writing:
- Plotting a new novel, rather than improvising about 90% of it, will save a lot of pain when it comes to making edits and revisions.
- Excited comments from trusted friends on my WIPs will always make my day. Always. It’ll probably be the same for you, as well.
- When you write for yourself, you don’t always have to abide by the rules of the English language. I mean, look at Patrick Ness’ Chaos Walking trilogy. He certainly didn’t abide completely to those rules.
- Writing is therapeutic (for me, at least). I tend to feel happier after a writing session, unless I’m dealing with some heavy topics in the book — those ones are difficult since I want to handle them in a healthy and positive way.
- Get to know your main characters before writing a novel. Of course you’ll still get to know them in a deeper way as you write the book, but if you already have an idea of the core parts of who they are before you start, you’ll be able to make them more distinct and three-dimensional. Remember to look within them — you’ll want to know things like their internal conflict, greatest fear and desire, and their misbelief about the world.
That’s all for now!
Who are your biggest inspirations? What are some important lessons you’ve learned from writing? Have you already done this tag?
Chat with me in the comments below!
Make your mark,