Blogging, Books & Movies, Writer's Life, Writing


Hey there, and welcome to my site!

I’m Germaine, and if you’re reading this, you either know me, have heard of me, or are new (and in all cases, I extend a welcome to you).

I’m so happy to have you here, but before I bore you with my enthusiasm for finally launching this site, let’s chat about a couple of things.


Who am I?

I’m going to start off by saying a little about myself.

I am a girl who is pursuing her dreams – many of which involve creativity. I am an artist, a writer, a photographer. A reader, a designer, and color enthusiast. Just like most of us are many things in one, so am I. 

I’m also a TCK in Asia. And a chocolate lover. And an introvert. Perhaps some of you can relate to that. And if you can’t, well, we’re all different, aren’t we? 😉

If you want a more compact description of myself, click here.


What will I be doing?

Onto some practical stuff 🙂

Here on this blog, I’ll be focusing mainly on writing and blogging, but also how you can make your mark on this world. You can read more about what I’ll be doing here.

I’ll be posting every Wednesday starting this week, unless unexpected circumstances happen – because you can never tell with those, can you?

I hope I haven’t scared you off by now. *tips hat* Perhaps I’ll see you again on a future post. *waves*




Your turn!

I’ve said a little about me, so why don’t you introduce yourself? What do you like? What do you not like? What makes you, you?

Leave a comment below!

Make your mark,

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